Welcome to my website! My name is Anooj Lal and I'm from Belle Mead, New Jersey. I'm very passionate about programming and I'm always eager to explore new and exciting ways to put my skills to the test.
I was exposed to programming for the very first time as a strange, little kid. I had this really weird obsession with frogs and decided that the best way to announce this to the world was to self-learn HTML and launch a website dedicated to the beady-eyed amphibian. Those were dark times, but humble beginnings -- my frog-filled website would be the first of many projects I would develop as a young and motivated coder.
Studying Computer Science & Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I hope to gain the experience necessary to pursue internships and eventually a career in software engineering.
From APCS in high school to CS 125 as a college freshman, Java has proven to be the programming language that I'm most comfortable with.
Having learned Java in high school, I decided to pick up Android as a hobby. I hope to further advance my mobile development skills next semester in CS 126.
I mentioned my first experience with HTML above in my Bio, but I've also picked up JavaScript for a CS 196 project. I also used Bootstrap to make this website.
This year in CS 196, I've learned to approach a variety of different coding challenges using Python. I enjoy the language's simplicity and readability.